Your friends and neighbors at the Knowlton Township Historic Commission wish you well at this difficult time. While we shelter in place, protected by Knowlton Township’s generous open space and access to nature, the inconveniences in our lives are negligible compared to the suffering borne by others during this pandemic. As heroic doctors, nurses and health care workers risk their lives to save others, social distancing seems a small burden indeed.

When society emerges from isolation our cultural institutions will change, creating new opportunities that will require more public involvement. Volunteer contributions of time, talent and energy will be critical to organizations large and small. Here in Knowlton, sustaining the beauty and character of our community’s historic resources and scenic treasures, as well as those throughout the region, will present new challenges. Consider joining the Knowlton Township Historic Commission when we resume our work together as neighbors. We look forward to that moment with hope and enthusiasm, knowing that our best work is ahead.
Until then, many events and performances at the Ramsaysburg Historic Site won’t occur as planned, including the annual Memorial Day Flag Ceremony and Picnic and the annual Summer Concerts in the Barn series, normally presented on the last Saturday of June, July and August. Just as organizations around the world postponed programs and closed public spaces, we must also pause to allow time to recover with hope that other annual events, including the Fall Riverside Festival and Christmas in the Country, will take place later this year.

Even as these events are put on hold, the important architectural and planning work for the full restoration of the historic Ramsaysburg Homestead will proceed. New grants awarded in 2019 will enable ongoing improvements to resume as we emerge from this difficult time.
While we will miss the solace that art, music, dance, cinema, drama and other cultural pursuits bring to our lives, know that all of us who volunteer on the Knowlton Township Historic Commission will work to provide the anchor that our heritage provides. With your help and support, we pledge to bring back the community-enriching events, exhibitions and concerts that you enjoy as soon as possible. Stay in touch, stay well and consider joining as a volunteer. Your talents and energy are crucial to our continued success.